In August, a Russian warlord posted a video on Telegram, exhibiting a pair of Cybertrucks patrolling a highway in Chechnya, armed seemingly with heavy machine weapons. Leaving apart unanswerable (for now) questions on how the autos had been obtained, Wired thought it value digging into whether or not a Cybertruck really is sensible as a “technical,” the time period for modified civilian rides utilized by militaries and army teams.
What did the outlet discover? Properly, it’s sophisticated. One professional famous the Cybertrucks’ stainless-steel make-up can take some abuse, and that they’re each quick and quiet, a plus in a stealth operation. A second professional described the vans’ heavy reliance on software program as probably catastrophic; they’re additionally insanely heavy, making maneuverability and traction on sure terrains robust. (As a reminder, they seem to not do all that properly in sand.)
Stated that first professional to Wired: “It’s nice that [the Cybertruck] is protected in a crash and may take a bullet. However for those who break a management arm and may’t get the half, it’s fairly ineffective.”